Listening to:The Space Between, Dave Matthews Band
Thinking of:

First, I've got a volley game at 7... thats 45 minutes to go. More importantly, before I let loose on this entry, I'd like to apologize to those who might get peeved off by this. If anything, drop me a line and I'll explain it all, and if you think I'm wrong about this, and if I think I'm wrong about this, I'll apologize.

No, I didn't intend to write a 3rd post today.

What got me started on this was the fact I scrolled through a particular blog belonging to someone of the Malay race. We all know how Malaysia is run with its "New Economic Policy" which I believe to be unfortunately out dated. I'm really tempted to write on how the NEP came about and why it was introduced in the first bloody place.

I treasure how Malaysia has not been affected by racial riots of late as our neighbours have expirienced i.e. Indonesia and Thailand. I tolerate the NEP as I think when it was implemented and yes, I do think it's a key factor in mantaining the peace in the country. However, when one bumiputra (translated, princes of the earth... and even bumiputra I think needs to be clarified) writes that she's proud to be Malay because of these "special" rights, thats where I think that one person has stepped the line. Not only have the non- bumiputra community tolerated the NEP, but to have it rubbed in their faces, thats not very nice isn't it? Plus to go on to say in a rather smug fashion I think, "Keistimewaan Bumiputra" (translated, the bumiputra advantage) I think, that's gone past the line... I'd like to go on, but I've got a volleyball game to play. If anything, don't read too much into this... placed in perspective, my volleyball game is more important.

On the other hand, I do believe that the Malay race have lots to be proud of, and frankly... this is not one of them.


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