All Seeing Eye

Listening to:Hold My Hand, Hootie and the Blowfish
Thinking of:

Strange how epiphanys are born.

Anyhow, sat in my room and seething... I wondered, at what point does knowledge surpasses requirement? Does it ever surpasses requirement? In our quest to understand ourselves, have we spilled too much of the secrets that is humanity?

I'd like to think that there's never too much to know, after all... That little proverb of a wise man and knowledge like a drop in the sea. However, I was read a publication by Anne Case, Christina Paxson from the Center for Health and Wellbeing, Princeton University. (Don't be sidetracked by the P word) entitled "Stature and status: Height, ability, and labor market outcomes"

In short, they explore through some form of regression, the relationship between height and intelligence. Apparently, they agree (to much glee of my bratty, much taller younger brother... ok, he's not bratty, just well... younger brother-esque).

Assuming that this hypothesis and later theory is true, would parents start stuffing their children with long beans laced with growth hormones to accelerate and increase the physical stature of their children? The same way with genetic manipulation... Knowledge and breakthroughs such as these without a doubt, amazing! Yet, how are we as mortal men, with limited wisdom going to exploit such betterment in understanding? The benefits of enlightenment may lead to medical breakthroughs, accelerated progress of the species and greater yields in our farming. Yet, we stand at a juncture of time when people will eventually choose the eye color of their children, not leaving any surprises left in store. "I'm a man of many talents, and would like my children to posses them", "Blue eyes would be perfect" even "Make mine an NBA spec player" would echo through the halls of pregnancy clinics.

Knowledge of human nature and development will push our competitive spirits to the brink in order to get an inch ahead of the "Jones's" Do we already know too much? For betterment of the humankind, have we compromised too much of our existing morals? Perhaps I'm just probing this with a tad too much paranoia, after all... we've been doing it for centuries. My dog Barkley was bred and in-bred to keep the good qualities of the breed for centuries, hence the many variations of dog breeds. A trip down to the local durian stall would reveal "Musangs", D24s and "Red Lobster" which have all been genetically modified to achieve a particular quality within them.

And I like a good durian...

*Google or ask me for the publication if such interests you


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