- Giant Muppet. SWEETT-

A key swapping exercise...

1. Office Keys
2. House Keys
3. Giant Muppet
4. Saviour or Kind Friends, whichever comes first
5. Shock, Horror and Furious Searching (mixed together)

1. Leave office keys at home, lock house door and leave for the day
2. Work for several hours
3. Leave house keys at office, lock office door
4. Leave both keys in seperate locations for hours and then have dinner
5. Return home, stir in some shock and horror, and sprinkle some furious searching
6. Call Saviour/ Kind Friend...
7. Dash... get office key from Saviour/ Kind Friend
8. Pick up house keys,
9 Rush back...

Let it simmer... and voila!

One of um' days...


Al E said…
Uncle Chandran, please become my friend in Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1625554377&ref=name.

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