Damn it!

I hate being told that I've had life given on a silver platter. There is a reason I never tell anyone where I live on the first encounter, sometimes never. I'm not born a confident person, neither do I find myself a particularly confident person now... I'm just who I am and likewise you. Dear reader, may I present you the few things that irked me mildly this week (no, I didn't do anything about it, just smile and move on)

1. Gosh, you're just born with a silver platter
Damn, you've got no idea eh? Summing up my 20 plus years of life into 20 seconds of thought.

2. People being unkind to strangers...
The most vocal critics are the most insecure... 'nuff said.

3. I wish I had your *insert characteristic in question*
Yeah, you've got something I admire too... it's a sum zero game (I wished I had your *insert characteristic here* too), it just takes too much time and effort to be bothered with it. So sod it

4. Wah, I wish I had your confidence...
It doesn't happen in a vacuum. It requires serious nurturing. As with anything else worth having, it's a lot of work. But let me tell you, it is so worth the work. Confidence happens when you let it happen. No one gives it to you, which is great, because it also means they can't take it from you.

On the flip side... when I do compliment, I really do mean it...


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