Nothing of Importance

Listening to: Hard Day's Night, The Beetles
Thinking of:

My essay paper on cancer therapy has been completed... Big words, a world of possibilities and basically knicking stuff off other papers. I swear one can pass a masters on the virtue of googling, but of course... that isn't the point.

Anyway, the sun is looking up but my room looks like a dump.

Priorities... we all have them. To dynamics of priorities are interesting, its influence can change the way we perceive ourselves and the world around us. But just how do we determine our priorities? Image? Future image? Success? Following the Joness'? I suppose taking a leaf out of my essay, a priority for a cancer patient is to live, whereas the priority of some of us would be image... ahhh.. definitely a marketers dream! It defines the way we live our lives and how we perceive ourselves. To think that in the end of the day, once we take a closer look at our body mechanics, its just an exchange of fluids and little electrical pulses.

For the time being, my priority is not to postpone a meeting with my supervisor which has been postponed for 2 weeks... One, she was busy and this week, a hard sequence of circumstances on my behalf. Ah well...


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