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Thinking of:

Over the weekend, brother and I tagged along with a bunch of Church friends and peers to an Orang Asli (directly translated, "original people" you get the idea) village. It was great fun, both getting there and just being in the fringe of the jungle (mostly rubber plantation- ish areas). Anyway, I don't feel like writing a third entry today (though the other 2 were written a while ago) So I'll leave some photos here...

-Where, Rumah Sidik a lake front house with much land and greenery-

-What, Possibly would end up on a plate soon-

-Who, 2 out of 4, series shot of boy, window and frontal wall-

-What, 16 kids and a rope... focal point is boy with extremely calm looking face amongst the action-

How? Canon Powershot Pro1


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