...5,4,3,2,1... Fart!

Listening to:
Thinking of:

"Reality show sets up space cadets

Reality show chiefs are planning the biggest hoax in TV history - by fooling nine Brits they've been blasted into space.

Channel 4 is spending £5million on new show Space Cadets where the joke is on the contestants who will think they've been jetted to a Russian space agency for training.

But they will be flown around Britain and the North Sea for four hours before landing at a disused UK airbase done up as a space centre.

They will then be sent into 'space' for five days.

Their shuttle is really a prop from hit movie Space Cowboys, and its launch will be faked with sound effects and vibrations.

Later a giant screen outside the shuttle will beam pictures of space. There will be no need to simulate zero gravity as contestants will be told they are not far enough above Earth.

The show, fronted by Sun film critic Johnny Vaughan, was dreamt up by Big Brother producers Endemol 18 months ago.

Contestants were chosen after being quizzed by psychologists to find out if they were easily fooled.

They are now in hiding abroad before the ten-day series starts on December 7."

taken from www.ananova.com

Now, that is one reality tv show I'd watch. It's probably going to be terribly geeky and if Big Brother has any bearing on the direction on the show, we're probably going to see a lot of silly bust ups and maybe some bust if the Big Brother trend is carried over. It would be film like "interesting" should one of the contestants stumble on the truth and attempt escape. For complete subnormal, RUSSIANS DON'T FLY SPACE SHUTTLES. I'm not saying they don't have one, in fact they do have prototypes called the BURAN (to compete with their capitalist counterparts as so did they have the TU- 144 as competition to the Concorde). I can imagine now...

"Aren't we supposed to eat from tins in space?"

"Can I have a pint?!"

"Why did those other guys have to pay 20 million dollars when you're doing this for free?"


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