Dramatization fixation

It's the end of the week,
Another cycle passed,
As the sun sets from it's zenith at each cycle,
Another inconsequential moment
without a presence in any thought,
I want to waste away,
To vanish without a trace,
Yet in contrast there's a desire to seek shelter somewhere intimate,
Behind some confidant.
I want to be strong;
to push forward, to keep my head towards the horizon.

Head against the wall,
Water drips, splashes to the floor.
An image of a bloody sink crosses the mind,
A flash and sanity is resumed,
One turns off the taps, wears another smile.
A stiff drink in one hand
and hope balled up in a fist in the other

I feel like dying, but on the contrary
fear death itself.
A room of faces I recognize,
some laughs and some witty remark,
A brief flash, and with intention I fade back into the darkened corner of the room

It smelt of cheap bear, cigarettes and broken dreams
A drop of anguish never looked so at home.


*right, i'll stop complaining


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