Carpe Diem?

I'm tired...

In between meetings and phonecalls, the constant rush of issues, thought and solution. In between trying to bridge gaps between experience and demand... I found myself falling, I'm being afraid again, afraid of change and afraid to make effort, in fact I'm afraid for the sake of being afraid.

It's always been this way, it's nothing epic battle to dare one's self into doing something. One thinks, tergiversate and pulls back. An act of cowardice, unwillingness and inertia. To slice off the branch holding the rest down, oh woe onto one who's branches holds back. To deny one's self at a chance of emminence.

a capite ad calcem- from head to heel

I tremble... wary of the future, timidity in my soul deserting my brothers, treason to the throne.

ad infinitium- toward infinity

For men can push himselves to the brink of bodily possibility, why can't I?

There's only one way from here... Up. All I got to do now is to try and decide.


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