In the Waiting Line

Listening to:
Thinking of:

One Giant Leap to Nowhere

'Only two things are infinite -- the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not so sure about the Universe.' --Albert Einstein

Don't mean to be a bummer... as one inches on in search of the future of the human race, it seems that the simplistic stumbling block would that the human race has effectively stopped evolving.

The age of invention has seemed to have gone dormant. Credit where due, its a case now of churning out subsequent definitions of said invention.

Yet our tolerance of stupidity has been forthcoming, even possibly inviting. As we know, nature thrives on the "weeding out the sick and needy". However, the human race encourages the need to laugh at our fellow race while encouraging the lack of physical or cognitive prowess... Items such as big brother or cases like a thieve sues and wins lawsuit after breaking his leg in an attempt at burglary? Have we gone mad? If all the football clubs were for the past couple of seasons collectively placed their transfer kitty in a pot, we'd be having McDonalds on the moon by now.

Its evident that entertainment has taken over in value over sheer innovation or intelligence. Oh gone are the days of yore... But by far my favorite silly death resource would still be the Darwin Awards

Anyways, I'd better not talk too much, I'd probably be first on the chopping board in the name of eliminating the dumb and stupid.



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