Listening to: Cup of Coffee, Garbage
Thinking of:

-walk away-

I hate feeling... especially when I'm feeling blue and a little under the weather. I hate it when I've got to pretend to be fine and generate small talk for the sake of it. I hate it when it seems that the world is against me yet I've got to be grateful because there are loads who wish they're in my situation instead.

I'm not perfect, and I can assure you I have never claimed to be... In fact, I really am quite the scum of the earth. I sometimes wish that one person, just one would just try to understand instead of placing more expectations on my shoulders. I hate being dependant on anyone but yet, I face up to the facts that my mere existence is because I'm dependant.

I wish I would just lay down and let this dream come to an end, maybe get the bus driver to stop so I'd be able to get down from this maze and continous circles. Oh, I so hate my life... Just why can't anything go smoothly for once... the stupid bank wouldn't screw up or maybe some stupid organisation for that matter, any organisation! Why can't things just work... Suppose I'm sort of this cosmic joke! Yeah, real funny I tell you...

Sigh, think I need fuzz theraphy... or a cerebal change. Maybe some sleeping pills and a cozy bed would be great. Goodbye sad world! I'll see u once again in a blink of an eye.


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