Paraphrased, obviously

Listening to:
Thinking of:

As a "programming" atheist, I should be excused from this...
(In reference to the fact I'm absolutely stumped and utterly hopeless with this piece of work... Oh God, won't you grant me infinite wisdom and knowledge. A cheque with my name on it, cashable tomorrow, with a billion dollars (USA, naturally) will be fantastic...)

"I'm not going to do my maths homework. Look at these unsolved problems. Here's a number in mortal combat with another. One of them is going to get subtracted. But why? What will be left of him? If I answered these, it would kill the suspense. It would resolve the conflict and turn intriguing possibilities into boring old facts."
"I never really thought about the literary possibilities of maths."
"I prefer to savour the mystery." Calvin and Hobbes

p.s: I think I'm quite fortunate to get away with this one... forgive, forgive... :P
Cheerio peeps for I'm off to write my programming grave.


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