Sufferin' Sockatash!

Listening to: Disarm, Smashing Pumpkins
Thinking of: Starting the day at university

So I'm back... To my room that'll be my abode for the next couple of months. Its a little cold now and still dark... I mean, it is afterall only 5:30 in the morning.

I told myself that I should at least get a good start to the term... hence I shall be going in for my early class as much as I dread stepping outside... Darned chill! My room is still in a bit of a mess but it'll be alright... Now just to get used to it once again.

Am missing the family and Barkley dearly, am also missing Aida... Wonder why... it really does seem that this time around, we've not had much time to hang out. Oh well... cest la vie. If you're reading this girl, keep in touch yeah... losing a friend like you is gonna be tragic. Looking in the pantry, it looks like I've just got Maggi mee for breakfast. I've yet to stock up my food and well, Sainsburys... Here I come!


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