Listening to: Let's Get Retarded, Black Eyed Peas
Thinking of:

Tensions rise everywhere, from the middle east to a high school classroom. Is the need to rise and revolt, to disagree and inherent part of human nature? Like how perfection is impossible, it will never be possible to obtain world peace.

I remember not too long ago, I sat at on a pew praying for it all to stop. Naive! Last I heard about global warming, it's predicted we're heading for a meltdown in 10 years. "Hunny, where is my super suit?!" I suppose not only is our little blue planet heading downwards, all mankind is following suit, spiraling to oblivion. Screw our dominant species bragging and brains and all that crap. It seems the only thing hindering our ability to think is our own selfish intelligence.

Shut these eyes and wait for the spinning to end....

"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get run over if you just sit there." Will Rogers


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