Listening to:
Thinking of:

"Hey love, don't spill a drink on the floor or the camera will catch ya"

The day at the Learning Grid started as such with cleaner lady admiring her clean carpets and me trodding on them reassuring her that
a) I don't have a drink on me
b) My shoes are clean

Anyway, I spoke to Dhammika and Beatrice while wall climbing yesterday evening about doing a PHD and I suppose unlike me, they knew they wanted to do it. It sounds so terribly juveneille and I remember having an exact copy of this conversation about 5 years ago about what I want to do with my life... engineering, medicine and what nots.

Somehow even though I'm now an adult male, 21 and above with a degree in hand, it does seem as though there is no way in hell I'm capable enough to make a decision that could alter life. Imagine should it come down to saving the world... I'd be so lost that the world would be space dust before I could even come to a decision. In typical Kelvin fashion, I'd like to attribute this characteristic of mine to being Malaysian. Not that all Malaysians are indeceisive, but lets face it... the phrase "up to you" or " anything" occurs to often.


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