Listening to: With or Without You, U2
Thinking of:

Being back in University has not been all doom and gloom... in fact there are little joys in being back and good friends to catch up with. So far I've met up with the Leamington bunch, a couple of engineering groups, some Malaysian bunch and met more new people too. So, I can't really say it's been bad eh?

I've applied for the Arts Center job and will probably be hoping to fill in an application for Sozo's and Xanana's. Well, to be honest... I don't know if I'll get any of them. Classes have begun and I've been pretty well occupied past 9am in the morning. So far, the prof.'s are pretty cool and well... one of them might fire out words at 20words a second, but he's decently informative and the rest have been pretty funny.

-In the name of God, stop a moment, cease your work, look around you.
Leo Tolstoy (1828 - 1910)-

Well, back to doom and gloom... Somehow I believe I need therapy and all...The start of term always remind me of the passing of several good friends. I probably have written about it more than once before, but they deserve it. Lou'ise was chirpy till the day her eyes closed never to be opened ever again, suffered from a tumor and though lost most of her hair and weight, she remained cheerful as ever and never let the disease or treatment slow her zest for life. I remember the last time I met her, she told me about how she tried skateboards for the first time in her life and wrote articles for a youth magazine back home. I remember how she joked about how other girls would like to lose as much weight as her. She wanted to dye the short hair she had then (it grew back after chemo) and make it look like Pink. Yet, cruel fate called her home so soon...

I suppose there is a moral to this... How though in the dashing and zooming around of life, there is something worth stopping for. Maybe the roses, maybe its just the sights. Perhaps its the chap in the next cubicle that needs someone to speak to... Well, it is easier said than done... But y'know, a little effort goes a long way. Right, I don't want to be the old Uncle who gives out advice with his broadsheet at a coffee place.


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