Listening to:Latin Note, St. Germaine
Thinking of:

Everybody say AYE! Well, so another committee term comes to and end and a whole bunch of people get thrown into the committee dungeon for a new term! Hah! SUckers! Oh wait, I'm one of them...

Before you folks think I've fallen down again while trying to get up from the floor when I lost my rucker, well think again! Anyway, the Malaysian Society held its Annual General Meeting on Monday and well, this time around, I hopped on the boat as post-grad rep. A post almost devoid of duties and well, it sounds good. But really, I'm hoping to accomplish this year what no other post grad rep has achieved before. Form an integeration with the main society to a small extent! Oh well, here is hoping...

Anyway, on other news and issues... I finally watched the last of the 3 debates between Bush and Kerry and sad to say, none of them really stood out. Its perpetually Kerry saying Bush has cut budgets and measured something differently and Bush would say something else. Though once again, Kerry seemed a little down in the charisma department (some Clinton magic, anyone?) and Bush was doing what he does best (The federal govt? I hope not!). Heck, based loosely on that one debate... I think the MC of the debate should run for president!

Lately, I've been feeling rather unmotivated and I don't know what has gotten into me! Sure, I'm still doing a bit of work here and there, but not as much as I could in a day (within reasonable hours of course). Sitting on the table is another incomplete assignment and another literature review. Be it any consolation, one assignment has been handed in and another awaits printing. So 1/2 done! Well, of course... throw in some reading for the literature review and plans for the project. Hmmm...

I'm perplexed by everything going around me and well, I'm stumped again by my work. Where is the progress?! I've also discovered that I have absolutely no flair when it comes to mathematical programming (thank goodness for Dhamm. and Beatrice). I'm beginning to question my resolve in other matters as well. I question my seriousness when dealing with issues and my ability to think out of the box and to present my views without offending or being intimidated expressing them.

Gaunlet thrown? Should I let all the black and the white, fade to grey?


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