Listening to: If I Didn't Have You, Billy Crystal (OST Monster's Inc)
Thinking of:

3 Down! 3 to go... Thats the status of the assignments.

However, the last assignment completed was really thanks to several great friends who gladly helped whenever I got stuck. Well, it's maths... Have you ever heard of an engineer (yes, I'm an engineer by qualification) that hates maths?! Well there you go! You're reading his blog.

Anyway, one of them reminded me of the way dad used to teach me math when I was 15 and 16. He didn't give me the straight answers but took time to explain each concept and made sure I understood it. That goes for the computational part as well. Uncanny, I thought. But in its strange little way, I felt guilty if I didn't pay attention and made the effort to actually understand the knowledge that was imparted to me. Occasionally, a couple of good laughs and the occasional hair pulling when the written program generates and error message that can't be figured out. Damn computers!

The past few days have been nightmares especially for the lab I had to do regarding optics and IR proximity sensors (Anyone who knows theory about this, e-mail me! PLEASE!). Well, for starters... one person came in late. Not by a couple of minutes... By a whole freakin' HOUR! The lab was 2 hours long. So basically he didn't help in the set up or taking the readings or in the brief discussion. Merely took our readings but the final one. Somehow, when he tried getting himself busy messing about with the wires, giving us strange readings... he also knocked the machine out of calibration. We tried in vain to get the same spot and to continue the experiment but well, as fate would have it... it never happened and hence the need to restart the experiment with less than an hour to go. The other guy was selfish and demanding... I don';t even want to go into that.

MSA volleyball this year looks bleak. We've lost crucial members to graduation and the new batch are not even keen. Looks like I've gotta dig up the old crew and hopefully bug the new batch to see if we can find any jewels. Sigh... more work. Kapitan Uncle Chan! *shudder*

I got myself a new printer since my old one was messing up. Its the same thing as I have back in KL, its a printer/ scanner thingy! Quite snazzy... melikes! I'm going to see if I can print out photos and use them as some sort of a collage thing for my pin board. When I'm more free that is! Oh well, anyway... its time to start the day. Play that funky music white boy! (Don't ask, don't ask...)


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