Listening to: Face the World, Lucky 7
Thinking of: Zilch...

Well, I know this is gonna sound strange... Well, its one of those forwarded e-mails and this time around, I'm just gonna see if this is actually true though. I highly doubt it, but we'll just see...

Has a lot of ideas:- Hardly think so, whenever group meetings come about, they tend to just freeze
Difficult to fathom:- You mean annoying?
Thinks forward:- Especially when it comes to food
Unique and brilliant:- Strange and geeky
Extraordinary ideas:- Yeah, lets have urrr... Marshmallows with Salmon
Sharp thinking: Could do sometimes...
Fine and strong clairvoyance:- Definitely Not
Can become good doctors:- A dream gone, so we'll not award this point
Dynamic in personality:- Umm... nope
Secretive:- Ok, I admit to this
Inquisitive:- Too blur to be inquisitive
Knows how to dig secrets:- Always the last to know about things so nope...
Always thinking.:- Mostly RUbbish... well, I'll give in to this
Less talkative but amiable:- Less talkative? You must be kidding me! Nope!
Brave and generous:- Brave, Nope, Generous... nope!
Patient:- Nope
Stubborn and hard-hearted:- On occasion
If there is a will, there is a way:- If I can get my bum off the chair
Determined: Nope
Never give up.
Hardly becomes angry unless provoked: Are you kidding, I'm perpetually angry
Loves to be alone: Its called SOLITUDE, Know the difference... Yes
Thinks differently from others: Only cause I'm stupid
Sharp-minded: Nope
Motivates oneself: Hahahaha... u must be kidding
Does not appreciates praises: I live on praises, whatcha talkin' about
High-spirited: hahaha... talk to me and find out
Well-built and tough: Sufficient
Deep love and emotions: Have no idea
Romantic: Urrr... nope
Uncertain in relationships: Uncertain fullstop
Homely: Yeah, I kinda like my own pad to do whatever
Hardworking: Pbbhhttt... yeah, right
High abilities: I'm sorry, Nope
Trustworthy: I hope so, so for the sake of it... Yes
Honest and keeps secrets: Refer to above
Not able to control emotions: Its all under a lid
Unpredictable: Kinda

7/38 of them are true... so not quite accurate eh?


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