Listening to: Strange Meadow Lark, Dave Brubeck Quartet
Thinking of: Humility

"Being humble does not mean being weak..." I remember talking to someone who distinctively told me that phrase a couple of years ago. I know in theory what he means but in terms of practice... With my limited ability to comprehend, I am not able to grasp the concept in life itself. I'm going to forgo the blaming game against the society and television that floods our mind that we should stand out and be arrogant. Its not a valid excuse...

"... such a lofty target as humility..." Those were the words of someone I spoke to a couple of days back. So we've established that humility is a state of mind, a lifestyle... it is not something that "occurs" when one tries to lower one's self to that "No, no... I'm not good at all..." state. It has nothing with the display of good works and assistance... That is a potential by product. In my narrow mindscope, humility is the state of knowing how insignificant one actually is as compared to the rest of society and knowing that one can contribute in various ways possible yet knowing one's skills and placing in good steed for the furtherence of society. Does that mean we should give up our day jobs and work for free? I highly doubt it... However I believe in humility, one can show strength... To keep one's head in place in praise or even in a hotspot. It shows to be humble, but it doesn't mean that one gets pushed around... I'd stick with stand up and get what is yours, only while doing it... Be humble and know what is yours and what isn't. To gracefully accept praise but yet stoop down and recognise the factors and the many people who contributed even a tiny bit, to recognise that "I" did it... After all, there is no "I" in team


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