Listening to: Its all coming back to me, Celine Dion
Thinking of: ------------------------------------------------

I just had a conversation with Iain, my housemate as Umut left for Sophia's (His girlfriend) and it was a pretty interesting one this time around. 2 of us in my room sipping red wine while eating white grapes... talk about a mismatch... but it was good anyway. After all, I'm living the student bit... the bit where one doesn't drink wine in the fashion it should be done but in a reckless, Philistine sort of way... Well, not Philistine... but you get the idea.

I reckon that I've gotten a lot more studenty over the past year... I'm no longer particular about jeans and t-shirts and how I should conduct conversation. These days, its just "Whatever..."

Well, I was just looking on eBay after reading an article on about the idea of imaginary girlfriends. What they do is provide a service of writing letters and perfuming it while and depending on the bid value, may throw in a couple of photos and phone calls as well. However, it is strictly mentioned that this does not constitue a proper relationship (thank goodness for that). Some do it for the college money (apparently) and some do it for the sake of doing it... well, why not when you could get some dough out of it as well. Basically it seems pretty weird to me though... For the socially challanged or those who might want to spite their ex- girlfriends? Oh well... who knows...

On the other hand, I've been looking at old Rolls Royces after reading about the New Phantom. Nothing is as unique as a Roller though... as the Brits go, "Legend, you are!" Such is the Roller to the automotive world. Where Ford made his name in mass production, Rolls Royce went the other way towards innovation in the automotive industry and high luxury! From the Silver Ghost to the Phantom... its all good... even the thick carpets....


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