Listening to: Name, Goo Goo Dolls
Thoughts at the moment: Materials, work

I'm in the library once again trying to do some work in regards with my project. The more I do, somehow the more worried I get... Sigh...

Somehow, I'm feeling a little sad and a little disappointed... A couple of thoughts running through my head. However, I'm back to reading journals on cars... quite my favourite thing to do anyway. Cars... drool... some friends think that my liking for these 4 wheeled machines border obsession. Oh well...

Anyways, it is a couple of hours since I started writing this entry,

Listening to: Summertime, Modern Jazz Quartet(MJQ)

Strangely enough, MJQ isn't all that modern... but they're pretty relaxing to listen to especially when yours truly is a big bunch of nerves. Anyways, back to cars! This weekend, a friend of my housemate popped by... Sarah was her name and I thought she was pretty sweet... but oh, the killer part was that yes, Sarah loved cars too... Woo hoo! How about that, I've finally met a girl who doesn't go "Isn't a car made to take you from point A to B?" It turns out that her brother has an Imprezza as well... Hahahaha... cool, cool.

But of course, on the other hand, my project has had to hit the brakes for a while as I've realised they've removed a material selection software in the Engineering Computer Lab. First reaction, "GASP, HORROR!" I certainly hope that there has just been some innocent mistake. Anyways, time to progress on other fronts then... my case study I've decided will be Aluminium (Audi A8 and Jaguar XJ) and the Porsche Carerra GT and all for the use of composites in vehicle construction. Oh yes, btw... that was in English if you were wondering. Right, anyways... time to jump back into another issue of Automotive Engineer


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