Sex and Evil

Listening to: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Deep Blue Something
Thinking of: Show me the money, Jaguar!

Anyway, my little adventure in the library ufurls! I was taking a walk through the journals section... thats where most of my research references are and then I swore I passed this journal called Canadian Journal of EVIL Engineering. Right, surprised as I was and sure enough, I misread the thing. But that would have been pretty amusing right? Then I took a look in the next shelf and whoa! Now this one cought my eye... don't ask me why though.... Journal of Sex and Marital Theraphy. Now that was something I couldn't miss... I mean heck the title was as large as the entire A4 paper that was the cover. Oh well... Anyway, I guess one day I'll conjour myself to make a trip just to take a peek at what makes this journal. I mean, admittedly... some of the journals are pretty interesting... for the guys, there is Jane's Defence Weekly or the ones which I read quite often... Automotive Engineer... and really, if you're into the technical bits of cars... its a beautiful read.

Girls... well, unless you're into the artsy fartsy thing, or married (may I recommend Sex and Marital Theraphy, heck it writes things even Cosmo. editors would find embarassing)... I can't really think of anything really. But nonetheless there are quite a few amusing bits of journals there actually, much to my pleasure (at least the car bits, some curves are better than others... cars that is!)

Anyways, thats a short one from the library... I'll have to go on to the Sports Hall... Volleyball time! ;) Can't take a minute of the library anymore... Cheerio!


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