Listening to: track 4, Metoera, Linkin Park
Thinking of: Rugby World Cup, a true man’s sport?

Being alone in my room, I feel compelled to write something though I don’t have the internet around at the moment and I’d probably have to publish it on Monday morning. Curtains pulled and the dim yellow light of my only source of light gives my room a strangely surreal feel.

I surely wish I had someone I could just simply call and have a good conversation. Maybe it’s because the conversation with Aida this morning was rather short. I mean, I did call her at the wrong time anyway… and she’s always wonderful to speak to. Yet when I think back to the UK, I can’t think of anyone on top of my head that I’d like to talk to or maybe someone who’d just tolerate my nonsense. Hehehe… just a silly random thought though… could it be that I’m actually missing female company? I mean I’m doing engineering which has err…. 3 girls in my class, it doesn’t help that I’m living with another 3 guys as well.

Last night was pretty decent, Soul Nation that is. The music was reasonable and really, the only major gripe I had was the darned crowd… it seems that the union was filled over the brim. Oh well… there are other minor gripes but nothing to really bother me much. Its good to dance as well and I must admit, it did put a bit of a smile on my face. Although I admit that the occasional clubbing night out is good fun, nothing beats a good dinner with good company. That in a sense would make me happiest… it may cost quite a bit more but the idea of an intelligent if not silly conversation is something I always enjoy. In retrospect, I really do miss having friends around in KL and being mobile enough to have a couple of good meals in some fancy place. I was laughing with a couple of friends the other day that Leamington is wasted on me… All those snazzy restaurants and then there is no one to go out with me. I guess Leamington is quite a distance for guys from Coventry or on campus (think its 20 quid for a cab if I remember correctly).


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