7 *3 What a year its been

Listening to: Beeps coming from my MSN
Thinking about: Today

Ahhh, work... piling up... With time catching on... Oh no, looks like another gloomy day with crappy weather croping up... WRONG!

It was a lovely day despite all of that... Why? Not because of my birthday surely... but because of the people around me. Yes, I am 21 today... not that it makes any difference. I don't feel older and neither do I feel any wiser, but today I can honestly and genuinely say that I was happy.

I did some work today and I thank God for the understanding... it started off well and then while I was in the bathroom, my housemates started singing happy birthday enough to shake the house down with my b'day present... all in Rap tunes and all sort of funny beats. Sigh... good lads! Anyway, they did eventually pass me my prezzie which was a large bottle of Bailey's... The only thing is, Scott prolly wouldn't have it, Umut doesn';t drink and Iain is quitting... So well, that leaves pretty much only me. Sigh... I mean really, drinking Baileys is almost a social act. But that aside, the card was really nice... Iain didn't let me forget I was getting old... and goodness, housemates really outdid themselves this time around. Thanks Guys... thanks so much... Oh interesting point to note... The envelope on the card did go..."Read only if you stink" How ironic I just got out from the toilet when they gave it to me.

Kit Hon sent me a lovely message this morning as well... just before I went to bed at about 12-ish. May Lee sent me a lovely message as well... oh goodness, why did I wait 3 years to be friends with people around me.

I had a couple of good conversations today... most of them over MSN and I did have coffee with Adlina and Eizwan. That was then followed by carolling of which I had a blast and well, though I can't say that I can sing particularly well, I enjoyed myself nonetheless.. Though it was a circular thing, it was almost making a joyful sound to the divine. All in the name of having fun at the same time... Daniel Lau in my opinion did a very admirable job with the lack of a pianist. Kudos to you Mr. Lau!!

However, the real cherry on the cake is truly what Ee Lynn did... I have to thank God so much for such a dear friend... Though I've known her all my life, I've never really struck a chord with her till university. Truly an amazing friend... It was a good meal... roast chicken with pasta and all... oh, heavy meal... Truly delightful... The company for the night was consisted of Ee Lynn, Kar Wai, Framen, Echo and Alan. Definitely delightful company as well... Can a boy ask for any better? Doubt it! Well, maybe do throw in a couple of million pounds into the fray... then we'll talk.

I can go on and on and I can't help but to feel ultra grateful... to God, to the friends around me... Truly, I can go to bed with a smile...


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