The Great Escape

Listening to: Great Escape, Moby
Thinking of: iPods... Longines and my stupid essay

Right, it has been a while since I last wrote... I don't feel guilty about it and though I feel uninspired, I don't really care about it. Well, I did go off for a weekend with the CU to a place somewhere at the border of Wales and England. By any means... it was rural (think Welsh hills and sheep) but it sure wasn't boring... I did have a really good time mixing with other Christians and meeting new people almost every minute. We played many fun games and after a lapse of 14 years, I finally played musical chairs at the age of 20.

Yet, the challange for me was more serious... I guess I could consider myself rather religious but not overtly so. I wanted to know how it felt like to be within Christian company again... To a certain extent to know that being Christian does not equate to being proud and snobbish and a bigot. I did think that being someone who has hardly been in the CU, I was a pretty good subject... Being of a different culture to the majority as well. Hey, how about that... I was quite pleased that I didn't have to be the one that made the move... Shy lah...

I did have some pretty good conversations with some very open, inquisitive people... I had a long walk through the woods with a bunch of them. I enjoyed the peace and tranquility though I really wished I had a lot more sleep. I enjoyed being alone... wait, there is a difference between loneliness and solitude. I had a little bit of time to myself one early morning (I wanted to enjoy the misy morning without anyone around and so that I can have silence to pray and to think of things around me) and I just spent a little thought on people I've grown to develop thorns with... Strange, that I felt maybe its time to really settle all differences and to a certain extent, make peace... Oh boy... now thats going to be tough...

In all honesty, I did have the most marvellous time over the weekend... Now, to rush my work!

Snooping around ebay for watches, I came across something of which I've drooled over for years. Its basically the mens version of my mom's watch, a Longines Conquest... I managed to find a new one on e-bay going for a really lovely price for a very lovely watch. However... lovely price does not mean affordable either. Thing being that each watch is individually serialed and they've stopped the collection altogether making the watches even more desirable. Desire... just the right word. Alas, I am a poor student... woe is to me for my bank account protests though my heart is set a fluttering!(wait, is that even correct to begin with?) Anyway, I did later after a long while close the window as I mourn the lost opportunity to click the BUY IT NOW button.

Yes! I have (and so did Wern Jun) concluded that my work is making me silly... Cest la Vie...


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