Listening to: Symphony No. 8, Dvorak
Thinking: Heat Transfer Theory... Achilies Heel

Admittedly, I'm worried about my Heat Transfer assignment... Its the first one to be handed in and I don't even know how to get past the question.Divine Intervention definitely needed. I don't know if I'm feeling down due to tiredness or is it just because I'm on that thinking state again.

At the moment, I really wished there was someone whom I can speak to. Sure there are people, if only I can let go of the bloody pride of making the phonecall to use up the darned free minutes as well. I tell you, the phone is so wasted on me... I managed to bump into Justin whilst I was coming home from uni. to Leamington... and as I walked home from the bus stop, it occured to me how much I missed the non- accademic side of my life last year... Then, I had Jean and Justin who were brilliant housemates whom I could talk to regarding almost everything and anything... it was almost that nothing was taboo in the household. There were other people as well which gave me support almost on a daily basis... How I miss that... Not to say that my current housemates are bad... far from it! They're really lovely people that I get along with quite easily and we usually have a whale of a time just hanging out and stuff... but there always seem to be some personality and cultural clash. I know its unintended but chances are they wouldn't understand the same things I go through coming from where I come from. Then again, I think its the darned pride that takes centre place once again! Cest la vie!

Oh well, for the time being... I shall hope that I will be able to sleep this off. Good night world... Till I awake once again.


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