Listening to: Schuman, Three Fantasy Pieces No. 1 (Played by Jaqueline du Pre)

The most random thing happened a few minutes ago. There I was in my little room doing my little thing and I heard a knock on the door. For a couple of seconds, I was wondering if it was Umut's girlfriend Sophia... but judging from the delay of him dashing down the stairs, there wasn't any dashing or enthusiasm, so nope! So I ventured and took a look through the little window and there was this balding, pretty short white dude with a beard and a shirt and trousers say about 65- 75 years old.

Thing was that he just popped down from Glasgow to a funeral of his caretaker when he was just a little kid. Well, I mean I felt kinda bad knowing that the house that was once his home is now being occupied by students... I don't know how he felt but he sure was pretty excited. He had one request though... On our back garden gate to the little alley way, there is a number 53 and he'd like to have that. As much as I'd like to give it to him as a keep sake and for memories, Umut and I both thought that it would be inappropriate. However, we did pass him the number of the letting company and the owner to see if he could have the tiny number on the broken door. Thing was, he had to fly back to Glasgow tonight and he was "Well, to be honest... I don't think I'll be coming down here ever again." I don't blame him... I can imagine the situation where the only reason for coming down is for something like a funeral for someone close. My mind can only start to run circles around the possibilities, he'd have his children my age in Glasgow, a wife, a job... friends. His brother is there as well, I'm guessing he wouldn't have anything to do with this little Spa town besides this house and the people that once cared for him 1/2 a century ago.

I wish I caught his name, and I wish I knew how it was like when he was younger. I wish I could've talked to him further without being a skeptic at one point and feeling bad the next. I wish I asked him how it was living here... but of course, time wasn't on our side... neither was confidence. Heck, I'd ask him if he knew the rules to Cricket! Somehow to a certain extent I think he felt a bit sad that now a large population of students now live where family homes were and unfortunately the little town of Leamington Spa has now developed the ugly townie culture. I felt his pain, I would feel it too if I was in his shoes.

I wonder how this house would've looked like if it was lived in by a family of 2 boys a father and a mother. But of course, I was a bit of a skeptic... well, these days you just can't be too careful. Yup, I'm paranoid... so sue me!

"Never explain--your friends do not need it and your enemies will not believe you anyway." Elbert Hubbard


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