Listening to: Tea and Sympathy, Jars of Clay

-Tread with Caution-

With a house in perpetual motion, its strange how yours truly has just become a constant. Um' is somewhere (who knows where) and Iain just left for Notts. Scott is probably in Blackpool and well, umm... yeah, here I am. No jokers to the left, no fools to the right... just me.

Sometimes I personally think that's pretty much the social norm. How people move about and occasionally step back into one's life when the moon and stars collide. For the majority of time when that doesn't happen... Well, life goes on as it is. It's strange how we look at mathematical equations and add a constant here and there. However, the question being is there ever a constant? The notion that the moon circles the earth and the earth circles the sun has always been dubbed as some sort of a forgone conclusion, yet I'm pretty sure someone will tell me that that's not really the case when in a couple of million years, blah, blah, blah.

"Don't worry, the sun will rise tomorrow and it will be a brand new day, everything will be alright"

Strange, never happened, isn't happening and will never happen.

"DOn't go looking for trouble, it'll find you"

I want to lie down, eyes shut followed by bright lights... Meanwhile, I think I shall go and read some stuff about management and accounting.


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