Listening to: #41, Dave Matthews Band

"Take hold lightly; let go lightly. This is one of the great secrets of felicity in love."
Spanish Proverb

Came across this one when I running around the internet in my moments of boredom again. I then question myself, why is love so fleeting?

How much of it is ever enough? Quantify it? Possible?

Wonder there isn't enough of it anywhere?

Thomas Hobbe's definition of pleasure, an egoist himself.... (Cant' believe the beloved comic Calvin and Hobbes was named after an egoist... Hehehe) felicity, is in itself is an exercise of power through the the notion of self satisfaction.

I was about to try dissecting John Calvin's view on pleasure... but heck, Calvinism... too complicated and I'm too lazy to find something to read about it. (For the sake of Calvin and Hobbes kinda thing, y'know) Calvin's the kid and Hobbes is the tiger.


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