Listening to: You Know How I Do, Taking Back Sunday
Thinking of: We Won't Stand for Hazy Eyes Anymore

Reality is merely an illusion, albeit a very persistent one.
Albert Einstein (1879 - 1955)

After 2 really boring blog entries... I'm trying to get my mind over something interesting to write about. First notion, is to write about cars or my housemates again or heck, turn to my geeky self and write about alternative engines and composites. Hehehe...

I feel a bit loud today while being in the library... How about that for ironic. I'm feeling a bit "Whatever" at the moment and kinda punk-ish as well. Wait, read that again... Kelvin? Punk? Urrr... Right! Well, not that I look anything punk or anything remotely close... but I do like a bit of an edgy character in music and what I do sometimes. Once a while, and today is one of those times. The very few gigs I've gone to have been really cool and have always ended with me losing my voice one way or another. Thats not as bad as Iain's definition of a good gig "I you ain't got bruises, I ain't good" He's one of those mosh pit fellas, so that pretty much explains it, no?

Speaking of music and reading my previous entry, yes... I went not to a gig but more of a Battle of the Bands kinda thing. It was rock night and my housemate's group consisted of a lead singer (John, absolutely mad), 2 guitarists (one with a cordless thingy), a bassist (Iain), drummer (Umut a.k.a Dr. Um) and last night they only had a single trombonist. Yup, a brass instrument! What do they play? They classify themselves as a Pop Punk (I mean with a name like Nutsack) band (I thought they're too loud to be considered that) with a couple of ska rifts. Their performance was by far the most fun and loud one last night. John had absolutely awesome stage presence and started a little mosh in Zippys.... To those who don't know how Zippys is like, its a tiny venue with say about 3 feet of space from the stage to the audience and they started moshing and jumping like madmen. I've seen them practice but I thought the recording was bad and I can't hear a single word John was screaming, but its just as bad live. The guys had an absolute whale of a time and were all smiles this morning.

The rest of the bands were pretty alright... The winner, Interloper was very good in the way they controlled the tempo and I really did think they can make it professionally, heck... they're better than some of the professional bands I've seen live. Very dynamic tunes, beats and rifts... The lead singer looked a bit geeky but once he got on stage, he just changed. His voice reminded me something out of Placebo or Coheed and Canbrea, the screams were haunting as well... Scary good.

However, my favourite band that night was Unreal Corriander. *Lifts pint glass* Here it is for female vocals and alternative instruments! A cello in a rock band, brilliant effects with the Fender Strat. and the Yamaha acoustic guitar... and a jazzy piano. I mean heck, its like throw in everything that I like and blend it... It was lovely... To me, it hit a good music bone. I later had a little chat with the bassist and I'm pleased to know that they're coming out with a record this month! The last time I heard a band that struck such a chord with me was quite a while ago... think it was Evanasence's Immortal. But I heard that a long time before the Daredevil soundtrack came out. Back to Unreal... the lady's voice was really good. I think she sings for the University Big Band as well... so from that, we already know that she's got a brilliant voice, a bit jazzy with a sharp edge... Male vocals was alright... Cellist was a bit drowned but I liked the way they used it. Oh well, they lost to Interlopa by a point, which was really close... Here is looking forward to the Battle of the Bands finals!


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