Listening to: Crazy, Seal
Thinking of: These days I don't seem to be thinking...

Word target 2000, word count so far 1700... However, with 300 more to my target, I don't think I'll be able to cover enough ground with only 300 words. But then again, my team mate has done a blinding 6000. Sigh... He's a brilliant student, needless to say with work expirience on his side, his kinda like the extremely hard working, nice and bright student. Oh wait, did I forget to mention he's late 30s, early 40s?

So yes, the pressure is on.

Anyway, away from that... I had a lovely time at university yesterday... Had dinner with Ee Lyne (Lainey), Kar Wai, Roy and Douglas. It was quite a random thing that was left to simmer after a little conversation with Lainey. Nothing fancy, nothing extravagent... It was just herbal chicken soup (and the chicken), some roast chicken wings and vege. Oh, oh... and Kar Wai made the dessert! So yes ladies and gentlemen... simple Chinese meal and great company, what can anyone else ask for you ask... Wait, there is more... After a while, we headed to Roy's place (this time it was just Kar Wai, Roy and myself) for a game of taboo! Not with just 3 people, but I must say Roy made a good invitation act and got quite a good number and company for the game.

Yesterday, I made a big boo boo by making my lowest taboo score ever... -3. I mean heck, a minus mark is bad... but -3?! Sigh... Hehehe... but its all good fun anyway. I must say those 2 guarding me really did put pressure on my use of words. Highest personal score from yesterday, 5! From my first attempt and last one... that equaled Roy's highest while I was still playing (I left early). But it was a good game guys, thanks for it! Pity couldn't have stayed any longer... We should do it again, no?

Today I scrolled along The Star online (which is respected paper back in Malaysia, not the sleazy UK version) and read something hit a right note with the funny bone, "Indian PM uses his recorded voice in phone calls to win votes" Well, so... new style of political campaigning.... However,

"It becomes obvious the call is recorded after the speech goes on without pause.

"More needs to be done. A new era has to be ushered in,'' says Vajpayee and invites people to join his party's endeavor to build a new India.

He signs off with a "Thank You.'' "

Oh well, whatever floats the boat y'know what I'm saying?

I found a picture of dearest Barkley (my "favouritest" dog in the world, actually... my dog ;)) as he lay at the front garage gate with his head in between the grill as though waiting for someone. Sigh, needless to say I missed him loads that very moment. If there is any soft spot I have, its for Barkley.

I did forget to mention that Lainey invited me to watch something from the Warwick Musical Theater group (or at least I think that is what it is) and basically what it is are exerpts from various plays and productions. For 3 quid, it was a splendid show, small budgeted but big in talent. I so admire their voices and the sheer agility... However, one male actor struck a chord (glasses, spikey hair and does most of the solo bits), and so did another female one (think about the girl that did the Hungarian bit). The band was great and I love the hostest's lines especially in the beginning of the show, absolutely full of wit... Just the way I like it ;) The one that stuck with me was the potrayal of the Match Stick Girl on Christmas eve (I think). I remember reading the story when I was 5 or 6... I remember being moved... Almost 2 decades on, that hasn't changed.

Looking for Dave Matthew's, Crash cd.... Placed a bid on ebay... Hopefully that'll go through.... ;)

So much good company yesterday yet with so much work on my hands... Think I'd better stop rambling and keep my head down.


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