Listening to: Believe, The Smashing Pumpkins (From Aeroplane Flies High)

So I didn't win the lotto... tough... otherwise I wouldn't be fumbling around like a blind man in a revolving door trying to find my way around too many subjects in too little time. Yes, I did try... was rather hoping for beginners luck to get the winning combination and stake claim to the 8.5 million pounds, before tax of course. So much for that, anyway... so how many attempts does it take before someone claims that the beginner stage is over? Maybe I should try again for this coming Saturday, don't feel like donating tonight... Afterall, the proceeds to go to helping works around the UK. Thats how I look at it anyway.

The things I do not to go through this set of exams... Sigh... Cest la Vie

In a moment of utter frustration at my 1981 published software (by my lecturer, yes... he's been in warwick that long), computer (why the hell is there an incompatibility problem?! Can't anyone update the software again or maybe with the 10 grand we pay to uni, buy something new damn it!) and printer combination (bloody thing doesn't like dos)... I did this little test I found on some random person's blog. So, yeah! Kinda shows what kind of a dependant person I am on the stupid crappy blog! Aaarrgghhh... frustration. I guess Charles Mingus, Moanin' doesn't help either.

A true dark horse! Which Journal Site Are You?

Think I need a look at the outside world and if someone got me a shotgun, I'd shoot some townies to restore some peace to this forsaken place. I promise, I'm fine... *smiles* :D


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