Listening to: Up& Go, The Starting Line
Thinking of:

Right, so a basic case study on Rover... Subject, managing employee relations.

I was supposed to get off the computer a while ago, but somehow I'm kinda glued to my room. Music is a bigger distraction at the moment though.

I was flipping through a couple of blogs when I realised, that my life is still so sheltered and there are also a heck of a lot of losers out there, worse then me (shocking!) In between my ranting about how horrible my life is, dreams of fast cars and "what ifs," I've not done much. The only jobs I've had in my life aren't exactly jobs either, they're just for fun or for the sake of expirience. Money is usually there... or at least managed decently (Somehow I bet my parents would strongly disagree with that). Getting drunk isn't much of an expirience (too expensive).

Its such an irony that I wrote this blog in the first place to talk all the crap I want to and now I feel obliged to keep it toned down. At the moment, I really do want a decent car and go for a long drive... A trip to Oxford maybe... To Nottingham, maybe... only thing is, no car. I'd like to pay Jadie and Jo Han a short visit (Say 20 minutes or something, since Ray has effectively flown back to the States today) to run away from life.

I read the old antics of friends back home, just happy playing football and all... brilliant kids, only sometimes too pleased being in the same spot. The major difference I've noticed between my group of friends here and back home is that friends here are definitely more outgoing, people I can relate better with... People who want to move and get going. Friends back home... well, graduate, job, live with mom and dad... you get the idea.

No, I want to go hang gliding... there is a sense of freedom being in the air and just floating on a wing. Its wonderful! Some say they get a rush from it... I feel calm by just floating. I've only done parasailing a couple of times... but I want to get my own wings. To go from where I am...

Listening to: A Goodnight's Sleep, The Starting Line


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