Listening to: Fever, Michael Buble'
Thinking of:

Holy Smokes Batman! Its urr... Batman and Robin... in Whitely?! So it appears that the Caped Crusader and his trusty Bird friend have decended upon a little English town of Whitely. Gee Batman, I can't see the Bat sign at Gotham City anymore... So anyway, yes... keeping in the tradition of the costumes, 2 masked mystery men have been going around town have been kicking ass the only way Batman and Robin know how.

"The Reading Evening Post asked readers for news of the duo after they dealt with a pair of streakers at a local football cup final"

So one thing is for sure, they're not streaking around the little town in their skivies on the outside just for nothing. Ole' for Batman!

However, I guess Mr. Wayne (Oh, you mean I wasn't supposed to say that) decided to do things a little different in Whitely instead of just sending off bad guys (Biff! Ooff! Ouch!).

"Michelle Kirby was stranded when her Peugeot 206 ran out of petrol on Easter Sunday - until Batman and Robin appeared out of nowhere and pushed her car to the nearest petrol station."

The rest of the town had a reaction like that of this ol' chap...

"I said to my wife, it would make it a better and safer place with these men," he said. "Batman was quite a broad chap. They would scare a few muggers off and I'd feel safer in Whitley."

Image thanks to

Batman and Robin making Whitely a safer place... Coming to an English town near you! Stay in school kids!


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